Bob Bovin |
Photo exhibitions
1984, members exhibition, The Photo Gallery Society of Lund
1984-85, course exhibitions of old processes prints, Lund
1985, Photograph parking in the town park of Lund
1986-87, members exhibition, The Photo Gallery Society of Lund
1987, exhibition in the drug company Draco art Society
1988, members exhibition, The Photo Gallery Society of Lund
1988, exhibition at the Malmxxoer Photo Club
1989, national exhibition at -The Fence- in Stockholm
1990, national exhibition at -The Fence- in Stockholm
1991, single exhibition at the Folk University in Lund
2007, lecctures at the Photo Mess in Jönköping
2008, single exhibition at Scandinavian Photo, Bankeryd
2009, single exhibition at the Mikaels Churse in Linköping
2009, TV program presentation of exhibition in Linköping
2010, single exhibition at Östgötland County Museum in Linköping